WHO DOES SHE THINK SHE IS? | Director: | Pamela Tanner Boll |
| | Year Released: | 2008 | Jan's Rating: Rich's Rating: | 4.5 out of 5 n/a out of 5 | Key Performances: | Women Artists Their Families Their Mentors Academics/Scholars Equity Activists
| Movie Haiku: | In only 84 packed minutes, Boll tells a complex multi-dimensional story of obstacles still facing women artists in 21st C America. As doc proves, women make great sacrifices to serve their artistic imperatives, so it is essential that women in the audience mobilize in support--for our own benefit as well as theirs! Film not yet seen by Rich. | ADDITIONAL FF2 INFO ABOUT THIS FILM: | Women filmmakers? | No | Jewish content? | No | Haiku Posted: | 2008 | |