FARAH GOES BANG | Director: | Meera Menon |
| | Year Released: | 2013 | Jan's Rating: Rich's Rating: | 4 out of 5 4 out of 5 | Key Performances: | Nikohl Boosheri
Kiran Deol
Kandis Erickson
Campaign Staff
Campaign Targets
| Movie Haiku: | 3 LA gals drive to Ohio in Fall '04 to help the Kerry Campaign in a Must-Win state. Roopa (Deol) is the organizer, KJ (Erickson) is the anti-war activist, & Farah (Boosheri) is the American-born child of Iranian refugees. This road trip goes beyond female bonding to become a political awakening for all 3, as well as an occasion for personal liberation for Farah. | ADDITIONAL FF2 INFO ABOUT THIS FILM: | Women filmmakers? | Yes | Jewish content? | No | Haiku Posted: | 2014 | |