An IFC Documentary by Lesli Klainberg & Gini Reticker
“We screened our film for the public for the first time at Sundance in January 2004…
It was really exciting to have so many women come up to us and say how inspired they were by the film, inspired by the filmmakers, inspired by the actors, inspired just to see all of these great films all together in one piece, to have this discussion about women in film...”
-- Lesli Klainberg (3/15/04)

Directors Lesli Klainberg & Gini Reticker (center) with film critic
B. Ruby Rich (left) and producer Lisa Ades @ Sundance.
Photo credit: Brian Brooks/ © indieWIRE
Starting in the 1980s, female artists began to chronicle issues that had previously never been explored before in movies. IN THE COMPANY OF WOMEN captures the contributions of women artists & critics to the craft of independent film over the last twenty years
Directed by Lesli Klainberg and Gini Reticker, IN THE COMPANY OF WOMEN offers an overview of films made by women ranging from classic coming-of-age stories to quests for personal identity to films of explosive sexuality. This IFC Original Production explores female filmmakers' views, values, & perspectives through interviews with prominent “Indie” director/screenwriters, as well as some of the great “Indie” leading ladies.